mercredi 27 janvier 2010

Audio vidéo en libre accès

(thèmes environnement , spiritualité etc.)

Coaching Masters

Napoleon Hill
Og Mandino
Norman Vincent Peale
Robert Schuller
Zg Ziglar
Earl Nightingale

Une philosophie de Succès

"gardez vos croyances positives"
Ce que vous croyez devient vos pensées
Vos pensées deviennent vos paroles
Vos paroles deviennent vos actions
Vos actions deviennent vos habitudes
Vos habitudes deviennent vos valeurs
Vos valeurs deviennent votre destinée

Story out of ‘Mastery – The Key to Fulfillment’ by George Leonard

When I was a boy, my father would let me go to his office with him on Saturday mornings. I don't think he had to go. He was simply drawn there; it was his place of practice. He was in the fire insurance business, and while he went through his mail, he would let me wander through the office, free to play with the marvelous mechanical contrivances of those days—the stately upright typewriters, the handoperated adding machines, the staplers and paper punches, and the old dictaphone on which I could record a thin facsimile of my voice.

I loved the Saturday morning silence and the smells of glue and ink, rubber erasers and well-worn wood.

I would play with the machines and make paper airplanes for a while but then, more likely than not, I would go into my father's office and just sit there watching him, fascinated by the depth of his concentration.

He was in a world of his own, entirely relaxed and at the same time entirely focused as he opened the envelopes of various sizes and shapes, sorted the contents into piles, and made notes to his secretary. And all the time he worked, his lips were slightly parted, his breath steady and calm, his eyes soft, and his hands moving steadily, almost hypnotically.

I remember wondering even then, when I was not more than ten years old, if I would ever have such a power of concentration or take such pleasure in my work. Certainly not at school, certainly not during my scattered, abortive attempts to do homework.

I knew even then that he was an ambitious man with a burning desire for the extrinsic rewards of his work, including public recognition and even fame. But I also knew that he loved his work—the feel, the rhythm, the texture of it. My father's colleagues later told me that he was among the best in his field. Still, the public recognition he might have wished for never materialized, nor did the fame. But recognition is often unsatisfying and fame is like seawater for the thirsty. Love of your work, willingness to stay with it even in the absence of extrinsic reward, is good food and good drink.

mardi 26 janvier 2010

3 little advices I sent to a friend but I don't think she appreciated it

*Soleil d'or
Détends-toi, et visualise de la lumière dans ton coeur, éclatante, brillante et chaude. Sens-la se diffuser et grandir, s'épanchant en dehors de toi de plus en plus loin, jusqu'à ce que tu sois comme un soleil d'or, déversant sur chaque être et chaque chose une énergie d'amour "La lumière divine et l'amour divin coulent à travers moi et rayonnent à partir de moi sur tout ce qui m'entoure" - répéter jusqu'à en être convaincue.

Your body is here. And if you look for yourself, you get that you are bigger that your body, in fact. You start feeling your body from a bigger unity, you can ask anything you want and your body does it. It is your link with the physical world, thank to your body you can smell flowers and other nice stuff, you can see the beauty of the world (and other less beautiful things, but there's still beautiful, lol), you can interact with the others and share. If you command your body with your soul, it responds much nicer. ;o)

*Watch yourself
Imagine there's a second you next to you (of in front of u). Watch it, how does she react to the things you're confronted with? She's so beautiful and calm, she trusts life and has a constant feeling of joy and happiness. You'd like to be her, and she inspires you. You can walk of work with her as long as you wish.

lundi 25 janvier 2010

dimanche 17 janvier 2010

Disable Startup Programs under Vista

samedi 16 janvier 2010

Clarity (Theresa Romain)

My interpretation:

Clarity -> Confidence -> Completion
-->Celebrate for a consistant abundance!

jeudi 14 janvier 2010

Liste des fréquences des radios FM en région francophone

Cliquer sur une ville pour avoir toutes les fréquences de celle-ci


107.6 RCF

107.2 Vibration

106.8 Al Manar/Al Markaziya

106.1 Gold FM

105.4 Radio Panik

104.7 Fun Radio

104.3 Foo Rire FM

104.0 Bel RTL

103.7 NRJ

102.2 Radio Contact

101.9 Radio Alma

101.4 Ciel Info

100 Nostalgie

99.3 VivaCité Bruxelles

98.8 Radio FM Brussel

97.8 Radio K.I.F.

95.2 BRF-DLF (Allemand)

93.2 Classic 21

92.5 La Première

92.1Radio Campus

91.2 Musique 3

90.2 Radio Judaïca

88.8 Pure Fm

87.7 Radio Air Libre

mercredi 13 janvier 2010

Voyages hors du commun

Maisons en Kit (Belgique) (France)
Modulex Riviera
Modulex Bogota

Avantages et inconvénients

Législations: Construire soi-même

How to achieve your goals

1. I let the opinions of others influence what goals I set and my confidence about whether I can reach them.
2. Before setting a new goal, I thoroughly evaluate where I am at this moment.
3. When I set goals, I know where I want to go in the long run.
4. I have a clear picture of where I want to end up when I set my goals.
5. I plan out my goals in incremental steps.
6. I feel relaxed and clearheaded when I thinking about my goals.

Le paragraphe

Le paragraphe du texte linéaire non narratif

1. Les paragraphes sont analogues aux répliques d'un dialogue. Il s'agit de dialogues affaiblis et transformés en énonciation monologue. A la base de la division du discours en paragraphes, on trouve l'ajustement aux réactions prévues du lecteur.

2. Le désir de l'auteur de mettre en avant un énoncé, et avec lui une idée ou une espèce (au sens classique d'unité de pensée) en particulier : il s'agit d'une forme d'inter-titrage subliminal. Pratiquement n'importe quelle phrase d'un texte peut être placée en tête de paragraphe, pour lui donner sa couleur et son orientation.

jeudi 7 janvier 2010

Catalogues complets BONGO

Idée cadeau originale - Session photo sensuelle

(Personal Assistant 100
Interieurswitch et Cindy paquay

Marche et vélo (2 nuits + hôtel) 230 )